Getting To Know Boniface

1) Who are you?
I'm a 21 year old songwriter from Winnipeg. I front a band called Boniface and spend most of my time trying to make it as good as it can possibly be.

2) Tell us about your — why Boniface and why the switch from Micah Visser?
After a while making music as Micah Visser became a bit odd. It started as a intimate solo thing but as we built up our sound it really stopped feeling like a solo project. It was confusing for a lot of people and restrictive for me.

When we decided to really have a go at this it seemed like the right time to change the name. We chose Boniface, the neighbourhood my brother/bandmate Joey and I grew up in. We knew we'd be travelling and playing outside of Winnipeg a lot but wanted to take a piece of this city and neighbourhood with us in some way.

3) What are 5 words you’d use to describe your music to someone who hasn’t heard it before?
Intimate, honest, fun, catchy, pop.

4) What are a few of your favorite places in St. Boniface and why? 
There's a massive park about 3 minutes from our front door that Joey and I would walk down just about every day when we were kids. It runs along the river and within 10 minutes you can't see any trace of the city. That's something I haven't found anywhere else. There's also a great sense of community here - our bassist Louis is a part owner of Cafe Postal and it's the reason he's in the band now. Haha.

5) Who are some artists that influence your sound and who are some that you just downright like?
A favourite this year was Melodrama by Lorde - it's breathtaking and totally uncompromising while still being catchy as hell and I love that. Loved the new The National album as well. "Nobody Else Will Be There" is one of the most flawless album openers I've ever heard.

6) What can people expect from the experience at the show? 
A lot of good energy. It's been way too long since we've played for our Winnipeg friends and we can't wait to share everything we've been working on. I'm so grateful to all the people that came to shows before we knew what we were doing and I'm so looking forward to playing for those people again.

Jazz Winnipeg