Volunteering: the best gig in town
It takes a village to help put on one of Winnipeg’s largest music festivals, and the TD Winnipeg International Jazz Festival’s 300+ volunteers are essential to the event’s success year after year.
For one longtime volunteer, there’s a simple reason why so many Winnipeggers get involved.
”Everybody who’s volunteering wants to be there. They like the music,” said Daryl Godkin, a member of the event safety crew who first volunteered with the festival in 2003.
“It’s always interesting to see all these different people from all these different walks of life coming in and volunteering… people that are teachers, there are some people who are retired; sometimes it’s young students. It’s always quite interesting to see all the different people that come out and enjoy listening to music.”
Learn more about the excitement of volunteering on the latest episode of our Alleyways podcast!
Interested in volunteering for this year’s festival? For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Alexa Potashnik, Volunteer Coordinator, at volunteer@jazzwinnipeg.com, or apply to volunteer here by April 30.